Wednesday, 20 January 2021

The Ultimate Price

Sailing in a sea of bitterness
Isn't it worthwhile for a single drop of happiness
A moment of weakness
In exchange for a lifetime of experience?

Look at the world, at the sea of human heads
Do you think they give so much as shreds

Don't you think that as long there is life there is hope
You may cope or you may elope
Though it's something everyone may deplore
Just don't go knockin' on heavens door


Fleeting Times

These fleeting times, these greening meadows
Birds and bees adrift the warm cosy wind
Of children's rants,and of Juliet and Romeos
And days of drudging for the artistic kind

A rare moment of serenity, a conclusion forgone
Ohh.. What a great time for a good big yawn

I know you feel hurt
And seeing you makes me so even more 
I know you think me as heartless and curt
As I've put on the mask of the unheeding senor

But I know someone has to do it
And me, I've chosen to be the one to commit



Sigh.. one year closer to death
A cup of water from the river Lethe
To forget our worries 
Amidst this year's snowy flurries


Life in the hospital

People from all walks of life
People young and old, people good or bad
Forced to walk between life and the afterlife
In greens and blues they're clad

They look to you with hope in their eyes
Mustering the courage to finally ask the most difficult question
"Son, I'll be fine right" they ask with a hope the heavens despise
Their puffy eyes glowing with a hint of suggestion

"You'll be fine, don't worry" the words make it to the tip of your lips
Only to be swallowed back with a gulp
You know you shouldn't couldn't make those slips

But every time it's the same 
Every time you can feel the shame
Life's a dangerous game, who can you blame
You can only feel lame....

Untill this world we humans tame


Irony of Life

Born unfettered and free
We begin to shed our freedom in layers, you and me
Chaining ourselves to the devil's glee

And so we start on our life's greatest mission
To find that which hath been lost
Before the flames of our lives come to a flickering conclusion
For this every modality we exhaust with no care for it's cost

 And so we write our final chapter
Trying to find that long lost laughter


I don't ask to be forgiven
Only for you to listen
For you to know my eyes, yes at your thoughts do glisten
It was my obsession, my life's only mission
But still, I'm sorry to you I couldn't listen
I wished I would just be forgotten
I come to you now driven
As I believe from my mission I have risen
We each had our own ambition
I still do wonder how you to me and me to you became a mental prison

But still, mom can I ask to be forgiven
